We have different leadership groups that our children can be part of. Please click below for information.
Prayer Leaders
The prayer leaders have been very busy this year working with Mrs. Clark. They have led us on a pilgrimage around our playground to celebrate the season of creation. They also led us around the Stations of the Cross during Lent. They have been ensuring that our prayer tables reflect the liturgical season and meeting as a group every three weeks. The prayer leaders also make sure that everyone knows what our Catholic school current Virtues and Values are. After initially leading class collective worships, we are now all taking the lead in delivering our own class collective worships.
Eco Council
Led by Will, the Eco Council were very busy last year. They introduced the whole school to 'Switch off Fortnight' where they encouraged us all to think about the resources that we were using around our school and at home. They went round daily (with clipboards) auditing the electricity we were using around school. They also met Cllr Alex Sinton (the chair of Wychavon District Council) and were introduced to the Wychavon Green Plan. He was very impressed with what we were already doing and introduced us to the new Wychavon recycling game which can be played online!
Eco Council have started this year equally busily, with another 'Switch Off Fortnight'.
Sports Leaders
Oscar, Louis and Maddie are our school Sports Leaders. Every two weeks they run lunch time sporting activities which engage everybody in the school with sports skills. During the football World Cup, they kept us up to date with how our class football teams were doing. The Sports Leaders have also taken an active role in supporting younger children at sports events.
School Council
Our School Council is a group of students from Y2 up to Y6 who represent the children in school enabling them to have a say about what goes on in our school. They can raise issues, concerns and awareness about many matters.
It gives our children a voice and helps them to develop responsible attitudes, improve behaviour and instil a feeling of belonging, it also helps teach children respect for others. The School Council also enables teachers to see things from a child’s point of view and is managed by Miss Smith and Mrs. Bayliss.
This year we have:
- Raised money for MacMillan Cancer Care
- Collected food at Harvest for the Churches Together Food Bank
- Led our Children in Need fundraising
- Led pupil voice questionnaires
- Organised non-uniform days to raise money for charity